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In-class tool introduction—Tableau

Due 2023-09-19, 11:59pm EST 3pts 40min

Please ask any questions about this assignment in class, or later today on Slack.

You are welcome to work with other students on this assignment.

Table of Contents

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Aim of the assignment

Tableau is a powerful visual exploration tool that is used in many industries as a first pass for analyzing data, and often for presenting data on the web too. In this assignment, you will get comfortable using Tableau so you can use it for upcoming individual assignments or later in your career.

Background info

You should already have Tableau installed from following the instructions in A1—Getting started. This assignment is also preparing you for A3—Tableau analysis.


Part 1—Sample data

Work through Tableau’s Get Started with Tableau Desktop online tutorial (steps 1-7) with Tableau’s sample data. Parts of this tutorial were presented in class. Make sure to skip step 8.

Part 2—LA airport data

Now it is time to explore some non-sample data.

  1. Start writing a document in your favorite word processor / document preparation system, with In-class tool introduction—Tableau as the title.
  2. Download the LA Airport Data zip file. (Originally from Kaggle, which has some description of it.) The data consists of many CSV files.
  3. Pick a subset that looks interesting to you and load the dataset into Tableau.
  4. Explore your data in Tableau.
  5. Create an interesting/insightful visualization and take a screenshot. Examples: bar chart, line chart, scatter plot, histogram, etc.
  6. Add your screenshot to your document, and write a few sentences to justify your design and explain what trend/insight your visualization shows.

Submission instructions

Submit a single PDF to the assignment In-class tool introduction—Tableau in GradeScope.

Grading rubric

This is a satisfactory grading assignment. If you followed the instructions you receive full marks and if not you receive a 0. Your submission is satisfactory if you completed the exploration and your writing evidences a critical and thoughtful effort to justify and explain your visualization.

Criteria Points
Satisfactory? 3

Additional resources

© 2023 Cody Dunne. Released under the CC BY-SA license.